We are researching USA companies that produce goods here in USA. Why? Well, we are concerned, just as many people are, about the apparent decline of the manufacturing industry in the United States. Many people feel that this decline is one of many reasons our economy has suffered in the recent decade (there has probably been a decline over a few decades but that is certainly debatable and not something we wish to get into now).
We want to promote USA companies because we believe that this could help our overall economy. Yet, we are not deluded by the notion that simple promotion is the sole answer to our economic problems. Obviously, jobs need to be created. Undoubtedly, there is a bit of a "Catch-22" here since the jobs won't be created without higher demand for the very same products and industry we seek to promote. Regardless, we feel compelled to help.
There are many questions and concerns we have regarding USA made products. Ultimately, many of these questions will probably have varying degrees of importance and/or interest for many consumers. Here is just one question; When confronted with the cost of a shirt, for example, will Americans be willing to spend $30.00 for a USA made shirt or will they decide to walk into (insert store name here) and spend that same $30.00 because the shirts are cheaper there and they can buy three shirts instead of one?
Well, we already have the answer to that one. All you need to do is to look around and see what people are buying. Yes, from a personal economic stand point it does make sense for people to buy the cheaper shirts. But it doesn't make sense if you have to sacrifice quality.
Now, I am sure many people are well aware of the many issues surrounding how and where these cheaper goods are made. Many of these issues can be contentious but any amount of heated debate is really unnecessary. We have talked about these issues with many people. Perhaps you have had similar conversations with people you know. But here are some conclusions we have come to. Keep in mind this is just our opinion.
I am sure many people will disagree with what follows but just bare with me for a moment. Now, set aside any political, ethical and even economic concern you might raise regarding whether or not to buy USA made goods. For us, the choice is clear. When you buy USA made goods (from a reputable company of course) there are a couple of things that you can feel good about. First, USA made products are excellent quality. Second, when you buy USA made products (many of these companies are family owned) the money has a better likelihood of staying here and helping our economy. There are many other benefits to consider but we will try to address those in upcoming posts.
Again, we don't want to give the impression that there is a simple solution to this problem. It won't be solved today, tomorrow, and probably not even several years from now. Yet we sincerely do believe supporting the efforts of workers here in USA is the best thing that we can do.
In the days to come we will do our best to feature USA companies that we feel are providing quality products. It is a daunting task indeed. If there is a company you are familiar with and would like to see featured, please let us know. We will take your suggestions into consideration. Thank you.
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