Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mountain House

The American Red Cross and other organizations and institutions have recommended that people, who may live in areas where natural disasters are known to occur, learn more about preparing for a disaster. Some people have suggested that this coming fire season will be especially troublesome due to drier conditions this year. Also, the tropical storm season has just begun. So, while not everyone will experience an evacuation, it is always good to be prepared. Part of being prepared is having an emergency kit. The American Red Cross has posted ideas and suggestions on their website regarding ways to prepare for different types of natural disasters.

In most evacuation circumstances it has been recommended that people take food and water for three days per person. In considering the quantity and type of food to take it may not be easy to decide what to pack in a hurry. So planning ahead does make sense. My personal recommendation for food preparation is Mountain House.

Who is Mountain House®?

Oregon Freeze Dry was incorporated in 1963, when we began freeze drying fruit for a General Foods cereal. Later, we worked with the Department of Defense to develop and produce freeze dried military rations that tasted better, weighed less, and were easier to prepare than canned rations. By the early 1970's, we were marketing our own Mountain House® line of freeze dried foods for outdoor recreational use. In the 1980's, the Company grew rapidly as we began to manufacture private label packaged food products, and expanded our food ingredient line.

Today, Oregon Freeze Dry is the world's technological leader in freeze drying. Our freeze dried ingredients are key components in the products of some of America's largest food companies. Our private label lines include such products as lunch and dinner entrees for the Nutri/System weight-loss program and the Gerber Graduate Mini's line. We're still a major supplier to the military, and our Mountain House® brand continues to be the favorite of backpackers and campers.

Oregon Freeze Dry is located on a 35 acre site in Albany, Oregon, and employs over 300 people. The company has three manufacturing plants, which offer USDA and FDA registrations, Kosher and Halal certifications, according to product. Collectively, these plants represent 32,000 square feet of freeze drying capacity - over 60% of the freeze drying capacity in the US. Oregon Freeze Dry also has affiliate facilities in the United Kingdom and Denmark.

(The above information can be found on the Mountain House website)

It is hoped that you will not have to use your emergency kit but in the event that you do, it is good to plan ahead, and have products in your kit that are reliable.

Friday, May 25, 2012

On the Last Post

The last post made is video link which was intended to share the information about the Space X docking to the International Space Station. There was also information about the various companies involved across the U.S. which will be a part of continuing efforts in space science. It is not known how long this video link will be viable for such related information.

To Boldly Go....

Streaming by Ustream

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hoppy Dog!

Thank You to Team: Harper Bokum-Fauth, Kirstie Maryott, Brad Perry

Thriving Craft Brewers

This is encouraging when it hits mainstream news. So, my guess is that you will see more news stories like this on other mainstream news outlets shortly.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

American Craft Beer Week

It's that time!

To learn more about American Craft Beer Week and to find an event near you, visit;

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

High Water Brewing

I have been in communication with Kevin Sweeney, Legal Counsel and Director at High Water Brewing. If you have not heard of High Water Brewing, they are a relatively new craft brewery in California. Their headquarters is based in Chico California, while brewing operations are being conducted in San Leandro and Belmont. Their recent one year anniversary was this past March.

High Water Brewing is looking to expand and centralize its production, which could mean more jobs in the local area. They are indeed looking for investors to move this process along. Kevin wrote to me stating,

"While our status regarding our facility and capital investors remain the same, the board has agreed to honor stock purchase requests from smaller investors prior to our equity funding. The stock is still at $0.25 per share with a minimum investment of $250."

As with all investments there is always some element of risk involved. Even so, this stock is incredibly cheap. However, it is very likely that this offer will not be open for very long. Once equity funding begins the doors on this opportunity will probably close to the general public and only major investors will be able to discuss options with High Water Brewing (from what I understand this is a legal issue). At this time there is no information on how long this opportunity will be available.

If you would like to know more about High Water Brewing, here is their website link;

Your point of contact is Kevin J. Sweeney and his information is on the website.